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Tentec Argonaut 10 wtts


Type:Amateur HF transceiver
Frequency range:TX: 10-160 m + WARC
RX: 0.5-30 MHz
Tuning steps:? KHz
Frequency stability:±? ppm
Mode:AM / FM / SSB / CW / AFSK
Channels / memory management:100 regular
Repeater shift / offset:±? KHz
Power supply:13.8 VDC
Current drain / power consumption:RX: 950 mA (No signal)
TX: Max 6 A
Antenna impedance / connector:50 ohm / SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D):216*70*246 mm (8.5*2.76*9.68″)
Weight:2.2 Kg (4.85 lb)
Other features:CTCSS encoder. PSK31-ready. IF-DSP. « Software defined » radio.
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Receiver system:? conversion superheterodyne
Sensitivity:AM: 0.5-0.9 uV (10 dB SINAD @ 6 KHz bandwidth)
FM: 0.35-0.6 uV (12 dB SINAD @ 15 KHz bandwidth)
SSB/CW: 0.2-0.35 uV (10 dB SINAD @ 2.4 KHz bandwidth)
Selectivity:35 built-in filters
AM: 400-6000 Hz
FM: 15 KHz
SSB/CW: 200-3000 Hz
Image rejection:80 dB
AF output power / speaker:? W at ?% distortion / ? ohm
External speaker connector: 
RF output power:
AM:? W
FM:1-20 W
SSB (PEP):1-20 W
CW:1-20 W
Modulation system: 
Max FM deviation (Factory set):±? KHz
Spurious emissions:Better than -? dB
Microphone impedance / connector:? ohm / 4-pin (Metal locking ring connector)
Microphone input level:? mV
Manufactured:USA, 2003-200x (Discontinued)
Additional info:New price 2003 in the US: $795.00
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