News Format Adif - G3ZOD


I am relaying this message from G3ZOD of FISTS UK  who feels CW clubs should be aware of this proposal now that it is heading towards its final approval:

Amateur radio programs such as electronic logbooks and services such as Club Log exchange QSO information using a standard format known as ADIF (Amateur Data Interchange Format).  Currently this covers a wide range of QSO items such as call, name, QTH, mode, band, POTA, SOTA.  Reasons to do this may be to transfer QSOs from one logbook program to another or upload QSOs to services such as Club Log and LoTW.

While many typical QSO items are included, currently this does not include the type of Morse key used by either a QSO’s sending station or the contacted station.  Adding Morse key information to ADIF will allow possibilities such as transferring Morse key information between logbook programs and applying for awards or submitting contest logs that require use of specific types of Morse key.

Tom VA2NW has proposed the addition of QSO items to ADIF that describe the type of Morse key and allow further information to be recorded about it (the technical details can be viewed at ).  While this has not yet been approved, I thought it would be helpful for CW clubs to be aware of this before the changes become final.

Addition of Morse key type and description items to logbook programs and other services is a decision for the individual program authors.  However, once the ADIF changes have been approved, Morse operators will have the opportunity to ask their logbook program authors to include these features.

Source G3ZOD